研討會, 演講, 講座
Department of Chemistry Seminar - Determining the 3D Atomic Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials
Speaker: Professor Jianwei MIAO Institution: Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy and the California NanoSystens Institute, The University of California, Los Angeles, USA Hosted by: Professor Haibin SU
研討會, 演講, 講座
Physics Department - The Synergy of Biophysics and Active Materials
研討會, 演講, 講座
Department of Chemistry - PhD Student Seminar - Quasi-2D Perovskite Light-emitting Diode: Luminescence Physics and Approaches Towards Higher Efficiency
Student: Miss Xinhui ZOU Department: Department of Chemistry, HKUST Supervisor: Professor He YAN
研討會, 演講, 講座
2D Materials, from Academia to Industry
Semiconductor sales will reach over $500 billion worldwide in 2021, a gigantic industry that keeps on growing with increasing demand for faster, more powerful, and smaller chips.
簡介會, 迎新
HKUST Information Webinar on MPhil and PhD Studies
研討會, 演講, 講座
Physics Department - Designer Ferroics: Artificial Spin Ice Systems as a Playground for the Direct Visualization of Frustration-driven Emergent Phenomena
研討會, 演講, 講座
Department of Chemistry Seminar - Kethoxal-Assisted Mapping of Transcription Dynamics and RNA Interactome
Speaker: Dr. Tong WU Institution: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, USA Hosted by: Professor Ian D. WILLIAMS
研討會, 演講, 講座
Department of Chemistry Seminar - Multiscale Modeling to Bridge Gaps Between Molecules and Medicines
Speaker: Professor Jianing LI Institution: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, The University of Vermont, USA Hosted by: Professor Ian D. WILLIAMS