Quantum mechanics is a set of fundamental laws of Nature governing the behavior of tiny, microscopic particles like electrons and nuclei. Unlike everyday objects, such microscopic particles do not need to possess a definite position or speed. Rather, they can be in an ambiguous superposition state in which a particle can be simultaneously present in multiple locations. Such counterintuitive behaviors of the fundamental particles lead to unusual properties in novel quantum systems and inspire new paradigms in information processing.
The quantum science research at HKUST revolves around the four key areas of quantum materials, quantum control, quantum devices, and quantum software. Our full-stack approach covers all the way from the basic research in quantum enablers (natural and artificial materials) to the fabrication of devices (for instance, with ultracold atoms and solid-state qubits) and paves the way for technological applications (like simulation and sensing).
We use molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) to fabricate and investigate a variety of novel low-dimensional quantum materials.

This CRF project aims at searching for new quantum matter and further understand the underlying physics in engineered atomic systems.

In this project, we use qubit based on point defect in diamond to realize sensing under extreme conditions.