新聞  | 2020 年 2 月 1 日

Guangzhou Pilot Scheme Admission, 2020/21


Guangzhou Pilot Scheme Admission, 2020/21 (February 2020 - 15 March 2020)

In concert with the preparatory work for establishment of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ)in Nansha, the University has rolled out a Guangzhou Pilot Scheme on the Clear Water Bay (CWB) campus to start enrolling research postgraduate (RPg) students. These students will conduct transdisciplinary research in Thrust Areas identified under the Hubs to be established in HKUST(GZ).


HKUST(GZ) is positioned to offer the same quality and standard of teaching and learning environment as HKUST, and adopts English as the basic language. In line with the requirements of HKUST, we are recruiting high-performing students from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds, and with different interests, perspectives, abilities, and entrepreneurial spirit. Please visit https://hkust-gz.edu.cn/admission for more details.