研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Chemistry Seminar - Regulate Biological Processes via Molecular Self-Assembly in Cell Milieu
Speaker: Professor Ye ZHANG Institution: Assistant Professor, Bioinspired Soft Matter Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan Hosted By: Professor King Ho Kenward VONG
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on PDE - Stability for Faber-Krahn inequalities and the ACF formula
The Faber-Krahn inequality states that the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of the Laplacian on a domain is greater than or equal to that of a ball of the same volume (and if equality holds, then the domain is a translate of a ball).
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Chemistry - PhD Student Seminar - Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials
Student: Mr. Michael NG Department: Department of Chemistry, HKUST Supervisor: Professor Jonathan HALPERT
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on PDE - On the equivalence of viscosity solutions and distributional solutions for the time-fractional diffusion equation
In this talk, we consider an initial-boundary value problem for the time-fractional diffusion equation. We show the equivalence of two notions of weak solutions, viscosity solutions and distributional solutions.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Statistics - Fallacies of selection: challenges in post-selection inference
Selection bias arises when the effects of selection of variables or models on subsequent statistical analyses are ignored, i.e., failure to take into account “double dipping” of the data when assessing statistical evidence.  Eighty years
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Physics Department - Condensed Matter Seminar: Shedding Light on the Electronic Structure of the New Nickelate Superconductors
简介会, 迎新
HKUST MSc in Data-Driven Modeling Information Session 2021 (Shanghai)
Application for 2022/23 Fall Term admission to HKUST MSc in Data-Driven Modeling is now open. When and How to apply?
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on PDE - Energy method for quantitative analysis of rates of convergence to asymptotic profiles for fast diffusion
In this talk, we shall discuss quantitative analysis of asymptotic behaviors of (possibly sign-changing) solutions to the Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for the fast diffusion equation posed on bounded domains with Sobolev subcri