We are excited to have Dr Chun ZHANG shares the topic - Data in food waste: sorting and recycling. Modern sensing technologies for food waste sorting will be discussed in the seminar. And, for the sake of environmental conservation, the data relevant to food, packaging, and waste management will also be covered. Dr Zhang is the Director of Sensing Devices and Integration of ASTRI. 



All are welcome to join. 


Details are as follows.

Date: 26 April 2023 (Wednesday)

Time: 3 - 4 pm

Venue: Chen Kuan Cheng Forum (Lecture Theatre H), HKUST

Host: Dr Shuo-hui Li, Department of Physics, HKUST


About the Speakers

Dr Chun Zhang obtained PhD in physics at HKUST in 1999. He then worked at UC Berkeley for four years, at NAMI for eight years, and at ASTRI for twelve years, continuing his pursuit of optical sensing. He is now the Director of Sensing Devices and Integration of ASTRI, supervising the developments of leading technologies in digital jewellery inspection, portable environmental sensor, and smartphone spectrometer. 



  1. This is a face-to-face seminar.

  2. Please be advised that photographs will be taken and video will be recorded during the event. By entering this event, you consent to photographing, audio recording and video recording to be used for news, promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by HKUST MSc in Data-Driven Modeling.

3:00pm - 4:00pm
Chen Kuan Cheng Forum (Lecture Theatre H), HKUST

Department of Physics
Alumni, Faculty and staff, General public, PG students, UG students
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