Technology innovation and technology transfer are key driving forces to promote economic growth, including blue economy. As a world-class university in Hong Kong, HKUST is striving to explore the upstream technology innovation and the downstream technology transfer. On 6 December 2022, HKUST is going to organize “Incubation and Commercialization Summit” on its campus, aiming to serve as the bridge to boost "Industry-University-Research" collaboration from various stakeholders. The success of the event will integrate the joint efforts from different sectors and to stimulate the development of education, technology and economy. Representatives from academia, industry and government are most welcome to join. Kindly register @ and more details can be found via .

Mr. Edmond Cheung, Officer, Tel: +852 3469 2384, Email:
Ms. Emma Zhou, Manager, Tel: +852 3469 2855, Email: