Corals form an endosymbiotic relationship with the dinoflagellate algae Symbiodiniaceae, but ocean warming can trigger alga loss, coral bleaching and death, and the degradation of ecosystems. Mitigation of coral death requires a mechanistic understanding of coral-algal endosymbiosis. Here we report an RNA interference (RNAi) method and its application to study genes involved in early steps of endosymbiosis in the soft coral Xenia species. We show that a host endosymbiotic cell marker called LePin (for its Lectin and kazal Protease inhibitor domains) is a secreted Xenia lectin that binds to algae to initiate phagocytosis of the algae and coral immune response modulation. The evolutionary conservation of domains in LePin among marine anthozoans performing endosymbiosis suggests a general role in coral-algal recognition. Our work sheds light on the phagocytic machinery and posits a mechanism for symbiosome formation, helping in efforts to understand and preserve coral-algal relationships in the face of climate change.

3:30pm - 4:30pm
4503 (lift 25-26)
Minjie Hu
Zhejiang University
Department of Ocean Science

Please contact Wu Longjun ( or Julian Mak (

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