大學公告 |
HKUST RedBird PhD Scholarship Program

HKUST RedBird PhD Scholarship Program Remains Open


At HKUST, we value every opportunity to enable talented students…

大學公告 |
Global Webinar Series – HKUST x KAIST Joint Webinar “Research Efforts in Contributing to a Sustainable World”

HKUST has co-organized a series of multidisciplinary webinars under the theme “Navigating a World of Disruption”, with our global…

大學公告 |
Webinar Session on PG Studies in the School of Science on May 24, 2020 (conducted in Mandarin)

Date: 24 May 2020 


Time: 8:00pm



研究與創新 |
科大研究團隊首次解開「海洋穿山甲」基因密碼 為探索深海生物的潛力奠定重要基礎

香港科技大學(科大)的研究人員首次破解「海洋穿山甲」鱗足螺的基因組。鱗足螺是一種稀有的海螺,牠們生活於被科學家認為是「生命之源」的極端棲息地 — 深海海底熱泉(hydrothermal vent)。破解這種獨特生物的基因密碼,不但有助揭示生命在數十億萬年前是如何誕生及演變…

教與學 |
International Research Enrichment (IRE) student Evita shares her HKDSE strategies with fellow candidates

Sharing from International Research Enrichment (IRE) student


大學公告 |
2020 Summer Research Program (for 2021 Postgraduate Admission)

Date: 6 July - 7 August 2020


Location: The Hong Kong University of Science and…

大學公告 |
Teaching and Learning in Spring 20
研究與創新 |
科大研究團隊研製全球最快新型冠狀肺炎檢測儀 40分鐘內確診病毒


STEM教育 |
Chemotherapy for Treatment of Coronavirus Infections

Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), peoples become very nervous and vigilant. Masks and alcohol sanitizers are sold…

大學公告 |
Guangzhou Pilot Scheme Admission, 2020/21

Guangzhou Pilot Scheme Admission, 2020/21 (February 2020 - 15 March 2020)

In concert with the preparatory work for…

社區參與及可持續發展 |



研究與創新 |
科大研究團隊解開氮氧化物與大氣中硫酸鹽間關係之謎 為改善霧霾污染帶來新希望

