Speakers: Dr. Jiqing SUN & Dr. Fenglin LIAO (Scientific Editor of Cell Press), Mr. Sam YU (Elsevier)
Hosted by: Prof. Benzhong TANG
Chem introduction
Chem is the first chemistry journal from Cell Press and sister journal to Cell. It is launched to publish high-profile papers in general chemistry subject and provides a home for insightful/game changing research for potential solutions to the global challenges of tomorrow. As the premier journal of Cell Press as well as Cell, Chem is devoted to contribute positive impact of chemistry on society and targeting to be one of the leading journals in Chemistry. The first partial impact factor of Chem released in June 2018 is 14.1.
Matter Introduction
Matter, a new journal from Cell Press and a sister to Cell, Chem, and Joule, will be the home for multi-disciplinary, transformative material science research. The papers we publish will explore scientific advancements across the spectrum of materials development—from fundamentals to application, from nano to macro.
Outline of the talk
About the speakers
Dr. Jiqing Sun has recently received dual Ph.D. degrees from Griffith University (Australia) and NCNST (CAS, China). He specializes in emerging two-dimensional materials and carbon-based materials. His doctoral work focused on the field of electrochemistry, including oxygen-involved electrochemical reactions and batteries.
Dr. Fenglin Liao specializes in physical chemistry and catalysis. She recently completed her Ph.D. and postdoctoral fellowship at the Wolfson Catalysis Center, University of Oxford. Her research is mainly focused on the development of new organic-inorganic hybrid materials and their applications in green chemistry concerning environment and energy issues.
Hosted by: Prof. Benzhong TANG
Chem introduction
Chem is the first chemistry journal from Cell Press and sister journal to Cell. It is launched to publish high-profile papers in general chemistry subject and provides a home for insightful/game changing research for potential solutions to the global challenges of tomorrow. As the premier journal of Cell Press as well as Cell, Chem is devoted to contribute positive impact of chemistry on society and targeting to be one of the leading journals in Chemistry. The first partial impact factor of Chem released in June 2018 is 14.1.
Matter Introduction
Matter, a new journal from Cell Press and a sister to Cell, Chem, and Joule, will be the home for multi-disciplinary, transformative material science research. The papers we publish will explore scientific advancements across the spectrum of materials development—from fundamentals to application, from nano to macro.
Outline of the talk
- Cell Press and the journals Introduction
- In house editorial and peer review process
- Editor's insights
About the speakers
Dr. Jiqing Sun has recently received dual Ph.D. degrees from Griffith University (Australia) and NCNST (CAS, China). He specializes in emerging two-dimensional materials and carbon-based materials. His doctoral work focused on the field of electrochemistry, including oxygen-involved electrochemical reactions and batteries.
Dr. Fenglin Liao specializes in physical chemistry and catalysis. She recently completed her Ph.D. and postdoctoral fellowship at the Wolfson Catalysis Center, University of Oxford. Her research is mainly focused on the development of new organic-inorganic hybrid materials and their applications in green chemistry concerning environment and energy issues.
3:00pm - 5:00pm

Room 2463, 2/F (Lifts 25/26), Academic Building, HKUST
Department of Chemistry
PG Students, Faculty and Staff

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