Various notions of convexity of sets and functions in the Heisenberg group have been studied in the past two decades. In this talk, we focus on the horizontally quasiconvex (h-quasiconvex) functions in the Heisenberg group. Inspired by the first- order characterization and construction of quasiconvex envelope by Barron, Goebel and Jensen in the Euclidean space, we obtain a PDE approach to construct the h-quasiconvex envelope for a given function f in the Heisenberg group. In particular, we show the uniqueness and existence of viscosity solutions to a non-local Hamilton-Jacobi equation and iterate the equation to obtain the h-quasiconvex envelope. Relations between h- convex hull of a set and the h-quasiconvex envelopes are also investigated. This is joint work with Antoni Kijowski (OIST) and Qing Liu (Fukuoka University/OIST).

9:00am - 10:00am
地点 (Passcode: 495913)
Prof. Xiaodan ZHOU
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Department of Mathematics
Alumni, Faculty and staff, PG students, UG students
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