研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
MATH_PhD Student Seminar - Towards Adversarial Robustness by Natural Training Using Deep Stable ODE Networks
In this seminar I will talk about a provably stable architecture for Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) which achieves non-trivial adversarial robustness under white-box adversarial attacks even when the network is trained naturally.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
MATH_PhD Student Seminar - Detect conformation change by template matching in cryo-em images
Cryo-EM detects protein conformations froze in solution, and thus provides a promising way to characterize these conformational changes. In order to detect the conformational change, we developed a new algorithm to obtain multiple conformations and their populations from Cryo-EM datasets.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
MATH_PhD Student Seminar - A three-dimensional unified gas-kinetic wave-particle solver for all flow regime
In this paper, the multiscale unified gas-kinetic wave-particle (UGKWP) method has been implemented on three-dimensional unstructured mesh with the capability of large-scale parallel computing.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
MATH_PhD Student Seminar - Cross-population genetic prediction by harnessing the shared genetic basis between ancestries
The polygenic risk score (PRS) derived from the genome-wide association studies (GWASs) predicts the individualized genomic predisposition to complex traits/diseases.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
MATH_PhD Student Seminar - Identification of genetic signatures of human face by AI-Driven facial phenotyping
Traditional human face genome-wide association studies (GWASs) are limited by small sample size and inefficient landmarks-based phenotyping methods.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
MATH_PhD Student Seminar - Perfectly matched layer for optical modes
We develop the method of perfectly matched layer (PML) for the calculation of optical modes in microcavities. The PML is constructed by implementing the complex coordinate transformation in the far field region.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
MATH_PhD Student Seminar - Computational Resolution Limit: a Modern View of a Classical Problem
Given an image generated by the convolution of point sources with a bandlimited function, the inverse problem is to reconstruct the source number, positions, and amplitudes. It is well-known that it is impossible to resolve the sources when they are close enough in practice.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
CHEM - PhD Student Seminar - Material Engineering in Thin-Film Transistor
Student: Mr. Chen HU Department: Department of Chemistry, HKUST Supervisor: Professor Shihe YANG