研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture - Studying Human DNA Replication Using Yeast as a Model
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Applied Mathematics - Deep Particle: learning invariant measure by a deep neural network minimizing Wasserstein distance on data generated from an interacting particle method
High dimensional partial differential equations (PDE) are challenging to compute by traditional mesh-based methods especially when their solutions have large gradients or concentrations at unknown locations.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Physics Department - Physics of Functional Protein Phase Separation in Biomolecular Condensates
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Physics Department - Tunable Excitons and Phonons in Semiconductor Moire Systems
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Applied Mathematics - Conductivity Imaging Using Deep Neural Networks
Conductivity imaging from various observational data represents one fundamental task in medical imaging.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Statistics - Econometrics for fund performance evaluation
Stock picking and market timing are two critical skills in fund performance evaluation. Measuring these skills and examining the association often relies on a factor model.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Statistics - Test of Serial Dependence or Cross Dependence for Time Series with Underreporting
In practice, the data  collected often systematically deviate from their actual values; a typical example is the underreporting of data in social sciences, ecology and epidemiology.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Chemistry Seminar - Carbon-Skeleton Rearrangement via C-C σ Bond Activation
Speaker: Professor Wei ZENG Institution: School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China University of Technology Hosted By: Professor Yong HUANG Abstract