由香港科技大學 (「科大」) 與恒隆地產有限公司 (「恒隆地產」)合辦的2023年恒隆數學獎,最近公布得奬名單。來自哈羅香港國際學校的張嘉軒和蘇勇溢脫穎而出,憑藉題為On the Properties of the Semigroup Generated by the…
A study by Prof. Jiguang Wang, Padma Harilela Associate…
Toxins from pathogenic microorganisms have long been used as precise molecular…
The School of Science at HKUST proudly hosted a visit…
Some new research findings of Alzheimer’s disease including the blood-based test by LIFS Post-doctoral Fellow Dr. Jason…
To encourage interdisciplinary learning and enrich our undergraduate education, the School of…