大學公告 |
HKUST Virtual Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions


藝術與創意 |


薛俊朗是「田家炳獎學金(藝術 ) 」八位得主之一。對俊朗而言,科大校園臨海而建,遠離市區,風景秀麗,…

研究與創新 |
The Science behind COVID-19 Testing

Resurgence of COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong once again left us all worrying about our safety in the midst of the global pandemic.…

研究與創新 |

由香港科技大學(科大)、北京市神經外科研究所,西班牙國家癌症研究中心(CNIO)共同領導的國際科研團隊,近日發現一種能解釋為何膠質瘤 - 一種常見而具攻擊性的腦瘤,其病人會出現化學抗性(chemo-resistance)的機制,或有助及早辨認有抗藥性的腦癌病人。…

教與學 |
Jump-starting Your Research Career – The Stories of Two International Research Enrichment (IRE) Students

Achieving top scores of 5** in seven subjects in Hong Kong’s Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination, Katherine LAI Man-Wai…

大學公告 |
Why choose School of Science at HKUST? – Message from Prof. Tim Leung to DSE students

Hi, DSE students, I am Prof. Tim Leung from HKUST. While you are waiting for the release of DSE results, I would like to let you know…

大學公告 |
Why choose the Mathematics and Economics (MAEC) Program at HKUST?

The Mathematics and Economics (MAEC) Program is jointly offered by the School of Science and the School of Business and…

大學公告 |
Why choose Biotechnology and Business (BIBU) Program at HKUST?

The Biotechnology and Business (BIBU) Program is jointly offered by the School of Science and the School of Business…

研究與創新 |
科大研究團隊破解重要的分子機制 為癌症藥物開拓新方向

香港科技大學(科大)的研究人員揭示了平面細胞極性(Planar cell polarity,下稱PCP)中,控制核心蛋白傳送的分子機制。平面細胞極性是人體內調節細胞生長及活動的一個重要過程;有關研究將對開發癌症新藥物提供有用線索。

研究與創新 |
An exclusive interview with CHEM Chair Prof. Benzhong TANG, who shared how “aggregation-induced emission” (AIE) can help infertile couples (Chinese version only)

To view the Chinese article of an exclusive interview with CHEM Chair Prof. Benzhong TANG, who shared how “aggregation-induced emission…

研究與創新 |
科大研究團隊成功實現新材料產生機制 成果將用於芯片設計、量子計算及隔音降噪


大學公告 |
HKUST RedBird PhD Scholarship Program

HKUST RedBird PhD Scholarship Program Remains Open


At HKUST, we value every opportunity to enable talented students…