Division of Life Science
Stem Cell-niche Interactions in Tissue Maintenance and Engineering
Stem cells support normal development and maintain tissue homeostasis in adults through their unique ability to replicate and differentiate into specialized cells. They have been proposed as treatments for degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and type I diabetes. Cancer stem cells can also replicate, driving tumor growth, metastasis and relapse. The age-dependent decline of stem cell activity has been linked to age-related deterioration in tissue functions.
To harness the full potential of stem cells as therapeutic agents, ongoing efforts have been made to combine them with biomaterial scaffolds for the generation of transplantable tissues or organs to treat degenerative diseases. Thus, knowledge of stem cell development and aging is critical for the development of stem cell-based therapies to combat many human diseases. The major obstacle in realizing the full potential of stem cell therapy is the lack of sufficient knowledge of the regulation of stem cell activities inside intact tissues.
In this TRS project, we propose to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying stem cell maintenance, differentiation and aging in model organisms such as Drosophila, zebrafish and mice. A team of investigators from HKUST, HKU and CUHK with complementary expertise, experience of successful collaboration and with outstanding research records has been assembled to reveal how the microenvironment, or niche, controls stem cell behaviors and functions at the molecular and cellular level using a combination of advanced genomic, genetic, molecular, biochemical and developmental approaches.

科大突破性發現罕見腫瘤細胞「間諜」 揭示不為人知的癌細胞
