新闻  | 2020 年 6 月 3 日

Global Webinar Series – HKUST x KAIST Joint Webinar “Research Efforts in Contributing to a Sustainable World”

Global Webinar Series – HKUST x KAIST Joint Webinar “Research Efforts in Contributing to a Sustainable World”
Global Webinar Series – HKUST x KAIST Joint Webinar “Research Efforts in Contributing to a Sustainable World”

HKUST has co-organized a series of multidisciplinary webinars under the theme “Navigating a World of Disruption”, with our global partners. School of Science has hosted a joint webinar, in partnership with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) on June 3, 2020. The webinar has shared our research efforts in tackling complex global challenges regarding public health, climate, water and energy.

View here for the webinar “Research Efforts in Contributing to a Sustainable World”


Opening Remarks:

Prof. Yang WANG
Dean of Science, HKUST


Prof. Sang Kyu KIM
Dean, College of Natural Sciences



Prof. Peiyuan QIAN
Head & Chair Professor, Department of Ocean Science


Prof. Jimmy FUNG
Head & Professor
Division of Environment & Sustainability;
Professor, Department of Mathematics


Prof. Hye Ryung BYON
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry


Prof. Eui Cheol SHIN
Professor, Graduate School of Medical Science & Engineering


To view the full series of webinars, please visit here