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科大化學系黃晉卿教授(前排)及其研究團隊成員,包括時任博士後研究人員戴鑫博士(後排左)、博士生MESIAS St. Dollente Vince(後排中)和符文皓(後排右)的合照
科大化學系黃晉卿教授(前排)及其研究團隊成員,包括時任博士後研究人員戴鑫博士(後排左)、博士生MESIAS St. Dollente Vince(後排中)和符文皓(後排右)的合照
科大团队研发简易高效单分子平台 检测与2型糖尿病相关的胰岛类淀粉蛋白物种


Photo of the research team, featuring Prof. DANG Shangyu, Prof. ZENG Qinglu, Dr. CAI Lanlan, Mr. LIU Hang (With the 3D printed cyanophage structure in his hands), and Mr. XIAO Shiwei, from left to right.
Photo of the research team, featuring Prof. DANG Shangyu, Prof. ZENG Qinglu, Dr. CAI Lanlan, Mr. LIU Hang (With the 3D printed cyanophage structure in his hands), and Mr. XIAO Shiwei, from left to right.
科大研究团队揭示蓝藻病毒高分辨结构 助力气候变化精准预测


Prof. GUO Yusong (second right), Associate Professor in HKUST’s Division of Life Science, and his team members  Close
Prof. GUO Yusong (second right), Associate Professor in HKUST’s Division of Life Science, and his team members  Close
科大研究揭示IGF2分泌通路如何调控肌肉干细胞分化机制 为治疗多种疾病提供理论基础

由香港科技大学(科大)领导的研究团队,近日揭示类胰岛素生长因子2 (IGF2) 如何调控肌肉干细胞分化,这对通过抑制IGF2分泌以操控其讯号路径的潜在治疗策略提供理论基础。


HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP (center, front row), Research Professor Prof. Amy FU (second right, front row), a co-first author of this research paper Mr. WU Wei (second left, front row), and Research Assistant Professor Prof. WONG Hiu Yi (first left, front row) with other members of the HKUST Division of Life Science research team.
HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP (center, front row), Research Professor Prof. Amy FU (second right, front row), a co-first author of this research paper Mr. WU Wei (second left, front row), and Research Assistant Professor Prof. WONG Hiu Yi (first left, front row) with other members of the HKUST Division of Life Science research team.



Prof. XIE Ting, Head and Chair Professor of HKUST’s Division of Life Science (second left), Dr. TU Renjun, Research Assistant Professor of HKUST’s Division of Life Science (second right) and other members of the research team.
Prof. XIE Ting, Head and Chair Professor of HKUST’s Division of Life Science (second left), Dr. TU Renjun, Research Assistant Professor of HKUST’s Division of Life Science (second right) and other members of the research team.
科大研究人员揭示干细胞微环境如何控制干细胞分化为特定组织细胞 为实现干细胞治疗迈进一大步


The research team is led by Prof. Danny LEUNG, Associate Professor of the Division of Life Science and Director of the Center for Epigenomics Research at HKUST (left), and Prof. Liona POON, Chairperson of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at CUHK’s Faculty of Medicine.
The research team is led by Prof. Danny LEUNG, Associate Professor of the Division of Life Science and Director of the Center for Epigenomics Research at HKUST (left), and Prof. Liona POON, Chairperson of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at CUHK’s Faculty of Medicine.

香港科技大学(科大)和香港中文大学(中大)今日公布重大研究突破,揭示感染2019冠状病毒病 (COVID-19)或会导致妊娠晚期并发症。研究发现COVID-19会显著改变胎盘的基因调控,为研发更好的治疗方案提供潜在分子靶点,或减轻COVID-…

Japanese black seabream, one of the fish species in the study
Japanese black seabream, one of the fish species in the study
Deciphering Fish Species Interactions for Climate Change Insights

A team led by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has developed a technique to study how different fish species…

Prof. Tom CHEUNG, the S H Ho Associate Professor of Life Science in the Division of Life Science at HKUST (right), and his research group member Zhang Wenxin (Mphil student) (left).
Prof. Tom CHEUNG, the S H Ho Associate Professor of Life Science in the Division of Life Science at HKUST (right), and his research group member Zhang Wenxin (Mphil student) (left).
科大研究人员发现蛋白新靶点 或有助治疗衰老相关疾病


HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP (center, front row), Director of HKUST’s Big Data Institute Prof. CHEN Lei (second left, front row), HKUST Division of Life Science Research Professor Prof. Amy FU (first right, front row), Hong Kong Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (HKCeND) Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Fanny IP (first left, front row) and the first author of the research paper Prof. Fred ZHOU Xiaopu (second right, front row) take a group photo with other members of the research team.
HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP (center, front row), Director of HKUST’s Big Data Institute Prof. CHEN Lei (second left, front row), HKUST Division of Life Science Research Professor Prof. Amy FU (first right, front row), Hong Kong Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (HKCeND) Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Fanny IP (first left, front row) and the first author of the research paper Prof. Fred ZHOU Xiaopu (second right, front row) take a group photo with other members of the research team.
科大取得重大科研突破 首度利用人工智能为阿尔兹海默症作早期风险预测


The authors of the published paper are, from left to right: Trung Duc Nguyen, Minh Khoa Ngo, Tuan Anh Nguyen (group leader), Thuy Linh Nguyen, and Thi Nhu-Y Le.
The authors of the published paper are, from left to right: Trung Duc Nguyen, Minh Khoa Ngo, Tuan Anh Nguyen (group leader), Thuy Linh Nguyen, and Thi Nhu-Y Le.
香港科技大学研究人员研究miRNA生物起源 揭开长久以来非经典切割机制的谜团

为了研究并彻底验证新发现的非经典切割机制,香港科技大学(科大)研究团队在生命科学部助理教授阮俊英(Tuan Anh Nguyen)教授的带领下,采用了多种尖端技术,如miRNA测序、pri-miRNA结构分析以及大约26万个pri-miRNA的高通量切割实验。…