| 2025 年 1 月 24 日
| 2025 年 1 月 9 日
| 2024 年 11 月 27 日
| 2024 年 10 月 22 日
| 2024 年 8 月 29 日
The surface of a colloidal crystal develops another crystal whose thickness increases with temperature in a power law before reaching the crystal-crystal transition temperature.
The surface of a colloidal crystal develops another crystal whose thickness increases with temperature in a power law before reaching the crystal-crystal transition temperature.


A research team led by Prof. TONG Rongbiao, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry at HKUST (middle)
A research team led by Prof. TONG Rongbiao, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry at HKUST (middle)
科大研究人员开发出崭新方法合成炭疽霉素 刷新全球最高产量纪录 有助研发针对超级细菌的强效抗生素

香港科技大学(科大)的研究团队开发出一种崭新化学合成方法制造炭疽霉素(anthracimycin)和炭疽霉素B (anthracimycin B),产量较现有方法多63倍,刷新全球最高产量纪录。此项突破性的发现将大大推动把炭疽霉素转化为抗生素的发展,…

(From right) Prof. Angela WU, Associate Professor of HKUST’s Division of Life Science and Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, post-doctoral fellow Dr. Lei YU as well as co-author of the paper, TAM Sing Ting
(From right) Prof. Angela WU, Associate Professor of HKUST’s Division of Life Science and Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, post-doctoral fellow Dr. Lei YU as well as co-author of the paper, TAM Sing Ting
科大突破性发现罕见肿瘤细胞「间谍」 揭示不为人知的癌细胞


Dr. Thuy Linh NGUYEN (left), and Trung Duc NGUYEN (right) are the co-first authors of the paper.
Dr. Thuy Linh NGUYEN (left), and Trung Duc NGUYEN (right) are the co-first authors of the paper.


Extensive coral bleaching occurred across depths on the north shore of Moorea during the 2019 marine heatwave.  Photo credit: Peter J. Edmunds.
Extensive coral bleaching occurred across depths on the north shore of Moorea during the 2019 marine heatwave.  Photo credit: Peter J. Edmunds.


In CNS, such as retinal ganglion cells, IFNγ activates STAT1 in Ptpn2 cKO RGCs. STAT1 then upregulates neuronal cGAS expression. cGAS produces cGAMP and activate STING in neurons. In PNS, such as dorsal root ganglion, axotomy induces IFNγ expression in axons by local translation. And IFNγ activates STAT1-cGAS signaling and cGAMP production in surrounding Schwann cells and blood cells, to promote peripheral axon regeneration.
In CNS, such as retinal ganglion cells, IFNγ activates STAT1 in Ptpn2 cKO RGCs. STAT1 then upregulates neuronal cGAS expression. cGAS produces cGAMP and activate STING in neurons. In PNS, such as dorsal root ganglion, axotomy induces IFNγ expression in axons by local translation. And IFNγ activates STAT1-cGAS signaling and cGAMP production in surrounding Schwann cells and blood cells, to promote peripheral axon regeneration.

中枢神经系统一旦受创,例如在脊髓损伤的意外中,伤者很可能会永久丧失感觉或活动能力,当中的关键原因,是轴突断裂后无法再生。目前,医学界为脊髓损伤患者恢复活动能力的方法非常有限。若要为他们带来治疗希望,其中一个 研究方向,便是要破解令这些受伤轴突再生的方法。

Left: the solution is confined by graphene. Right: the solution is confined by stishovite (SiO2). The white, grey, red, and pink balls are the hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and silicon atoms, respectively.
Left: the solution is confined by graphene. Right: the solution is confined by stishovite (SiO2). The white, grey, red, and pink balls are the hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and silicon atoms, respectively.


Changes in aging stem cells
Changes in aging stem cells
科大团队破解干细胞变化之谜 为抗衰老研究迈进一大步


Prof. Nancy IP (first row second right) and her research team members.
Prof. Nancy IP (first row second right) and her research team members.
科大发现血液蛋白新靶点 开拓治疗阿尔兹海默症新方向


(From left) Prof. Chen Qing and his research group members Dr. Li Liangyu (postdoctoral fellow) and Xiao Diwen (PhD student) at the lab of HKUST Energy Institute. On the lab bench is a set-up for fabricating the nanoporous zinc metal electrode.
(From left) Prof. Chen Qing and his research group members Dr. Li Liangyu (postdoctoral fellow) and Xiao Diwen (PhD student) at the lab of HKUST Energy Institute. On the lab bench is a set-up for fabricating the nanoporous zinc metal electrode.
科大研发纳米多孔锌电极 即弃碱性锌电池也可充电
