中枢神经系统一旦受创,例如在脊髓损伤的意外中,伤者很可能会永久丧失感觉或活动能力,当中的关键原因,是轴突断裂后无法再生。目前,医学界为脊髓损伤患者恢复活动能力的方法非常有限。若要为他们带来治疗希望,其中一个 研究方向,便是要破解令这些受伤轴突再生的方法。了解更多...  


A working model of IFNγ-STAT1 signaling promoting axon regeneration in CNS and PNS.

In CNS, such as retinal ganglion cells, IFNγ activates STAT1 in Ptpn2 cKO RGCs. STAT1 then upregulates neuronal cGAS expression. cGAS produces cGAMP and activate STING in neurons. In PNS, such as dorsal root ganglion, axotomy induces IFNγ expression in axons by local translation. And IFNγ activates STAT1-cGAS signaling and cGAMP production in surrounding Schwann cells and blood cells, to promote peripheral axon regeneration.