| 2025 年 1 月 24 日
| 2025 年 1 月 9 日
| 2024 年 11 月 27 日
| 2024 年 10 月 22 日
| 2024 年 8 月 29 日
(From left) Prof. CHEN Yu from the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Prof. Amy FU, HKUST Research Associate Professor of Life Science; Prof. Nancy IP, HKUST Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies; PhD student ZHOU Xiaopu and Dr. MOK Kin Ying from University College London.
(From left) Prof. CHEN Yu from the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Prof. Amy FU, HKUST Research Associate Professor of Life Science; Prof. Nancy IP, HKUST Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies; PhD student ZHOU Xiaopu and Dr. MOK Kin Ying from University College London.
科大研究團隊發現中國人群阿爾茲海默症相關的遺傳風險因子 為疾病診斷和治療提供重要基礎


The research team led by Prof Qian Pei-Yuan (second left) discovered for the first time that “D-stereospecific resistance peptidases” could render peptide antibiotics useless.
The research team led by Prof Qian Pei-Yuan (second left) discovered for the first time that “D-stereospecific resistance peptidases” could render peptide antibiotics useless.
科大研究人員發現肽類抗生素耐藥性機制 有助研發對付超級細菌的新抗生素


Prof Sun (third, left) and his research team at HKUST.
Prof Sun (third, left) and his research team at HKUST.
科大研究人員研發新方法製造手性分子 有助製造更安全、成本更低的藥物


(From right) Prof Karen Chan and her research team members Abby Lo, Ng Pui-lam and Julia Leung discover microbeads’ (bottled) impact on bristle worms (in the Petri dish) and slipper limpets.
(From right) Prof Karen Chan and her research team members Abby Lo, Ng Pui-lam and Julia Leung discover microbeads’ (bottled) impact on bristle worms (in the Petri dish) and slipper limpets.
科大研究人員證實微塑料對海洋生物 成長與發展無可挽回的負面影響


Prof Karl Herrup (second left, front row), Prof Du Shengwang (second right, front row), Cheng Aifeng (left, back row) and their research team members.
Prof Karl Herrup (second left, front row), Prof Du Shengwang (second right, front row), Cheng Aifeng (left, back row) and their research team members.


Prof Zhang Mingjie (right) and Prof Ye Fei conduct tests on the human brain organoid specimens derived from schizophrenia patients
Prof Zhang Mingjie (right) and Prof Ye Fei conduct tests on the human brain organoid specimens derived from schizophrenia patients


(From left) Prof Du Shengwang and his team members Dr Zhao Teng and Dr Zhao Luwei develop a new generation of microscope.
(From left) Prof Du Shengwang and his team members Dr Zhao Teng and Dr Zhao Luwei develop a new generation of microscope.
香港科技大學研發新型顯微鏡 可拍攝活細胞立體影像 開闢細胞生物學研究新時代


Prof. SHENG Ping(Middle) and his research team members Dr. MA Guancong(Left) and Mr. FU Caixing(Right)
Prof. SHENG Ping(Middle) and his research team members Dr. MA Guancong(Left) and Mr. FU Caixing(Right)
科大科研人員研發出具流體特質的固體超材料 可用於濾波或有助於防地震建築


Prof. QIAN demonstrates the effect of his antifouling coating. The smooth surface on the left is a result after applying the coating for 18 months, while the one on the right shows what happened after more than two years.
Prof. QIAN demonstrates the effect of his antifouling coating. The smooth surface on the left is a result after applying the coating for 18 months, while the one on the right shows what happened after more than two years.
科大教授榮獲國家自然科學獎 重塑海洋生態系統 大大提升航運效率


Prof. ZHANG Mingjie and his PhD student Mr. ZENG Menglong with their research paper published in the top scientific journal Cell on August 25, 2016
Prof. ZHANG Mingjie and his PhD student Mr. ZENG Menglong with their research paper published in the top scientific journal Cell on August 25, 2016
發現大腦疾病新機制 或有助開發新療法
