| 2025 年 1 月 24 日
| 2025 年 1 月 9 日
| 2024 年 11 月 27 日
| 2024 年 10 月 22 日
| 2024 年 8 月 29 日
Prof. JO Gyu-Boong (right) and his team members Dr. SONG Bo (second right), Phd students HE Chengdong (left) and REN Zejian (second left).
Prof. JO Gyu-Boong (right) and his team members Dr. SONG Bo (second right), Phd students HE Chengdong (left) and REN Zejian (second left).


Prof. GUO Yusong (front middle)’s research team – including the paper’s co-first author MA Tianji (front left), identify a novel function of an enzyme.
Prof. GUO Yusong (front middle)’s research team – including the paper’s co-first author MA Tianji (front left), identify a novel function of an enzyme.
科大研究團隊共同發現內質網融合蛋白新功能 為了解遺傳性痙攣性下身麻痺病理提供新見解


(From left) Prof. ZHANG Shanchao, Prof. DU Shengwang, Prof. ZHU Shi-Liang and Prof. YAN Hui
(From left) Prof. ZHANG Shanchao, Prof. DU Shengwang, Prof. ZHU Shi-Liang and Prof. YAN Hui
科大物理學家助開創量子記憶體新紀錄 為實現量子電腦應用推進一步


(From right) Prof. Huang Xuhui and his research team members Dr. Peter CHEUNG, Dr. Carmen TSE and Dr. SHEONG Fu-Kit conduct part of the calculation with HKUST’s computing servers.
(From right) Prof. Huang Xuhui and his research team members Dr. Peter CHEUNG, Dr. Carmen TSE and Dr. SHEONG Fu-Kit conduct part of the calculation with HKUST’s computing servers.
科大研究團隊利用高性能計算 發現RNA聚合酶維持基因轉錄過程高度準確的機制


Prof. QIAN Peiyuan (middle) and his team members Dr. LI Yongxin (right) and PhD student WANG Ruojun (left) found 7,000 new marine species by nurturing biofilms in seawater (as shown on microscope and on screen).
Prof. QIAN Peiyuan (middle) and his team members Dr. LI Yongxin (right) and PhD student WANG Ruojun (left) found 7,000 new marine species by nurturing biofilms in seawater (as shown on microscope and on screen).
科大研究團隊發現7,000多個新海洋微生物種 刷新人類對海洋微生物多樣性認知


Prof. LIU Kai, Cheng Associate Professor from the Division of Life Science.
Prof. LIU Kai, Cheng Associate Professor from the Division of Life Science.


HKUST Chair Professor of the Division of Life Science and project coordinator of the Pangu collaboration Prof. ZHANG Mingjie (left); Co-founder and Director of aTyr Pharma and Senior Visiting Fellow at HKUST’s Institute for Advanced Study Prof. Paul SCHIMMEL (middle) and President and CEO of aTyr Dr. Sanjay SHUKLA (right) introduce how aTyr1923 can modulate interstitial lung disease.
HKUST Chair Professor of the Division of Life Science and project coordinator of the Pangu collaboration Prof. ZHANG Mingjie (left); Co-founder and Director of aTyr Pharma and Senior Visiting Fellow at HKUST’s Institute for Advanced Study Prof. Paul SCHIMMEL (middle) and President and CEO of aTyr Dr. Sanjay SHUKLA (right) introduce how aTyr1923 can modulate interstitial lung disease.

美國聖地亞哥和香港 aTyr Pharma公司(納斯達克股票代碼:LIFE)發佈其香港子公司 – 盤古生物製藥(盤古)和香港科技大學(科大)合作研發了aTyr Pharma的主要臨床候選藥物ATYR1923... 

Prof. WANG Jiguang (left) collaborates with Prof. JIANG Tao to bring their mutational mechanism research into clinical practice that helps find new therapeutic lead for deadly brain cancer patients.
Prof. WANG Jiguang (left) collaborates with Prof. JIANG Tao to bring their mutational mechanism research into clinical practice that helps find new therapeutic lead for deadly brain cancer patients.
香港科技大學研究人員發現基因突變機制 為致命腦癌患者帶來新治療線索


Prof Zhang (left) and Dr Zeng (right) observe the synaptic protein interaction pattern in their laboratory
Prof Zhang (left) and Dr Zeng (right) observe the synaptic protein interaction pattern in their laboratory
香港科技大學硏究團隊重構神經突觸的關鍵元件 揭示其形成及調節機制 為精神障礙的診斷及早期治療帶來希望


Prof Bik Tye (third left) and Prof Yuanliang Zhai (second right) holding an ORC model with members of the research team
Prof Bik Tye (third left) and Prof Yuanliang Zhai (second right) holding an ORC model with members of the research team
香港科技大學研究團隊揭示 DNA複製的全新機制
