The quality of educational programs and the learning experience of students at HKUST are underpinned by systems and policies for quality assurance designed to enable and encourage a collective effort to improve the University's work and maintain academic standards - the HKUST Quality Assurance Framework (QAF).
Six key principles characterize the University's approach to quality assurance:
The establishment of agreed, explicit, learning objectives for educational programs
The clear assignment of roles and responsibilities within a comprehensive framework of policies and processes for the development and improvement of educational programs
The provision of adequate resources for the delivery of high quality education
Pro-active evaluation of success in achieving learning objectives and the use of evidence derived from these evaluations, including feedback from students and others, to improve performance
A commitment to encouraging, supporting and rewarding excellence in the design and delivery of educational programs
Timely review of processes and policies for quality assurance to assure their continuing effectiveness
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