20 Apr 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Lecture Series on Derived Algebraic Geometry - Lecture III
I plan to start with an introduction of overview picture with many examples, then cover
basic concepts such as simplicial/derived rings, derived schemes, stable infinity categories

19 Apr 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Lecture Series on Derived Algebraic Geometry - Lecture II
I plan to start with an introduction of overview picture with many examples, then cover basic concepts such as simplicial/derived rings, derived schemes, stable infinity categories and derived categories, animations and Quillen and Lurie's nonabelian functors, derived deformation theory, etc.

18 Apr 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Pure Mathematics - Relative invariants and mirror symmetry
Lecture 5:Homological mirror symmetry

18 Apr 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Data Science and Applied Mathematics - Optimal Transport: Theory and Applications
Optimal transport has gained increasing attention in recent years due to the modeling power and computational tractability.
18 Apr 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Chemistry - PhD Student Seminar - Rhenium-based Photocatalysts for CO2 Reduction
Student: Mr. Ha Kyung KIM
Department: Department of Chemistry, HKUST
Supervisor: Professor He YAN

17 Apr 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Scientific Computation - A robust and efficient fluid-solid thermal coupling solver based on second-order Finite Volume method
Cell-centered finite volume (FV) method has been widely used in computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
17 Apr 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Chemistry Seminar - Superconductors and 3D Graphenes: Wild Dreams of Metal-Organic Frameworks
Speaker: Professor Zhengtao XU
Institution: Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR, Singapore
Hosted By: Professor Yangjian QUAN

17 Apr 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Lecture Series on Derived Algebraic Geometry - Lecture I
I plan to start with an introduction of overview picture with many examples, then cover basic concepts such as simplicial/derived rings, derived schemes, stable infinity categories and derived categories, animations and Qui
For more past events from across the School of Science, please visit here.