About the Department

Excellence in research and a commitment to deliver effective and quality teaching programs, are the two pillars on which the Department of Mathematics is based.

This commitment applies equally to the department's two overlapping groups: one interested in pure and applied mathematics, and the other in mathematical sciences and applications. The faculty in the first group are mathematicians. They are mainly interested on mathematical merits. Whereas the faculty in the second group are mathematical scientists, engineers or statisticians. They are mainly interested in the scientific content of the subject matter they are investigating. The two groups interact and complement each other's strength and knowledge.

At a Glance
as of Sep 2022
Faculty Members
Undergraduate Students
Postgraduate Students
Undergraduate Programs
Postgraduate Programs

Department Administration
Kun XU
Head and Chair Professor
(852) 2358 7433
Tiezheng QIAN
Associate Head and Professor
(852) 2358 7443
Tsz Ho Frederick FONG
UG Programs Coordinator
(852) 3469 2243
Tianling JIN
PG Programs Coordinator
(852) 2358 7417
Research Interests
  • Algebra and Number Theory
  • Geometry and Topology
  • Analysis and Differential Equations
  • Applied and Computational Mathematics
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Financial Mathematics