Online Location Instructions

This lecture will be conducted online via Zoom. (Meeting ID: 985 5965 3714 / Passcode: 475848)



One of the most basic tasks to characterize analog quantum simulators is to estimate the many-body fidelity between an ideal target state and the state obtained from experiments. In this talk, the speaker will present a simple and efficient benchmarking method that requires minimal experimental control. It only requires time-evolving a quantum system under its natural ergodic dynamics, followed by measurements in a fixed local basis. At its core, the method is made possible by using a newly-discovered phenomenon that occurs in strongly interacting quantum many-body systems, namely the emergence of universal random statistics. The speaker claims the phenomenon occurs universally in a wide class of ergodic quantum systems at infinite temperature by presenting a number of evidence based on solvable models and numerical simulations. He will discuss his benchmarking protocol based on the emergent randomness, and demonstrate it both numerically for model systems and experimentally using a Rydberg quantum simulator.


About the speaker

Prof. Choi Soonwon obtained his BS in Physics from the California Institute of Technology in 2012 and his PhD in Physics from the Harvard University in 2018. He then worked as a Miller Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley before joining MIT as an Assistant Professor in July 2021.

Prof. Choi’s research focuses on exploring dynamical phenomena that occur in strongly interacting quantum many-body systems far from equilibrium and designing their novel applications for quantum information science.

9 Dec 2021
10:00am - 11:00am
Online via Zoom
Prof. CHOI Soonwon
Assistant Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study

Email: / 2358 5912

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