Lecture 3:
Locality by complete embeddings and MS for symplectic cluster manifolds
Apply Localness of relative theory to mirror symmetry for a family of four dimensional symplectic manifolds admitting nodal Lagrangian torus fibrations. (work with Yoel Groman.)
Lecture 4:
Mirror formal schemes of symplectic manifolds equipped with generalized cut decompositions
Generalized Delzant subdomains of symplectic manifolds and their relative symplectic cohomology. Construction of a mirror formal scheme over the Novikov ring.
17 Apr 2023
10:00am - 12:00pm

Room 4475 (Lifts 25/26)
Dr. Umut Varolgunes
Bogazici University
Bogazici University
Department of Mathematics
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Alumni, Faculty and staff, PG students, UG students
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