About the Program
MAGNET is a Peer Mentoring Program at the School of Science designed to provide a supportive and welcoming environment for new students as they transition to university life. Our team of voluntary peer mentors, with diverse academic backgrounds and interests, is dedicated to offering guidance and support to help new students build a strong network of friends and thrive in their studies.
Roles of Mentor and Mentee

Senior science student peer mentors can help younger students adapt to university life. The mentees will receive advice on navigating university life, learn about the University's resources and support services, and connect with other students through participating in educational activities and social events. Each new science student is matched with a peer mentor who provides guidance and support during their initial, crucial weeks at the university.  

Responsibilities and Benefits of Mentors


1. Attending all training sessions and selected enrichment activities.

2. Understand and abide by all University policies, including the University Code of Conduct.

3. Providing advice and support to assigned mentees and maintaining positive relationships.

4. Assisting with the University's induction and orientation activities.

5. Organizing educational activities for mentees.

6.Assisting in reaching out to "at-risk" students and encouraging them to contact the School of Science Office of Academic Advising and Support (SCI/HOME).



Student mentors can enjoy free training and enrichment workshops, earn extra points for the International Student Exchange Program and Student Hostel Application, and boost your resume.

Application Details

Application will be open in February every year. Please stay tuned for our invitation email!


Contact us: advise@ust.hk

Event Highlights

group photo of everyone doing the half-heart on face pose

MAGNET Orientation Party

group photo by the sea

MAGNET Mentor-Mentee Gathering

group photo while everyone is holding a sports equipment

Peer Mentor Gathering

group photo of everyone making a letter A with their hands

Peer Mentor Welcome Night

winter training_archery

Peer Mentor Winter Training

group photo of everyone holding balloons and holding up 3-finger poses

Team Building Camp