You may have learnt the physics of heat conduction and thermal conductivity in high school and college. Are you surprised if you know that heat can be conducted super-fast at the speed of sound?! Actually, it is a common phenomenon that heat is transferred at the speed of sound in nature. It is a very critical step in the cycle of life in nature. Here the phenomenon of heat transfer at the speed of sound will be presented.
In the seminar, we will learn the physics of superfluid and sonic heat transfer and how it is realized under the engineering framework. By thermodynamics, there will always exist two thermodynamic states and they are dissipative and non-dissipative states. Heat transfer at the speed of sound is one of them. The modern mechanics has been focusing on the dissipative physics and the new finding shows us that we may have overlooked the non-dissipative physics. Come to this seminar, learn the new idea and be the first one to discover a non-dissipative phenomenon around us!

Senior Engineer, GE (retired)