Join the HKUST & HKUST(GZ) Virtual Fair on MPhil and PhD Studies to enjoy the one-stop experience of exploring research postgraduate study opportunities at HKUST and HKUST(GZ); as well as chatting live with the University's representatives for more application and study tips.
The Virtual Fair will commence with an introduction talk on research postgraduate studies at HKUST and HKUST(GZ), delivered by Prof. Charles NG, Dean of HKUST Fok Yung Tung Graduate School and Vice-President for Graduate Support of HKUTS(GZ), providing you with the latest development of HKUST and HKUST(GZ) as well as more insights on how the Universities nurture you to the promising path. Our RPG students will also be here to share with you their first-hand and fruitful research experiences at HKUST and HKUST(GZ).
Please click here for details and registration.