A research team consisting of scientists from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Beijing Tiantan Hospital have uncovered the mutational mechanism of how a rare and deadly brain cancer –secondary glioblastoma (sGBM) – progresses from its less lethal type. The groundbreaking finding has provided a therapeutic lead which may develop into a new kind of treatment for chemo-resistant patients.


Among the 200 new cases of aggressive brain tumor recorded in Hong Kong each year by the Hospital Authority, about a quarter are lower-grade glioma (LGG) tumors. Starting off at nerve cells around the spine and brain, LGG is the early form of sGBM – one of the deadliest brain cancers known today. Read More... 


Prof. WANG Jiguang (left) collaborates with Prof. JIANG Tao to bring their mutational mechanism research into clinical practice that helps find new therapeutic lead for deadly brain cancer patients.
Scientific Breakthroughs & Discoveries