This CRF project aims at searching for new quantum matter and further understand the underlying physics in engineered atomic systems. We will quantum-simulate fundamental Hamiltonians with non-trivial topology, interactions, and dissipations, and then develop a set of advanced tools and methods for emulating new phases of quantum matter comprising ultracold atoms, molecules, and photons. To create, characterize, and understand the physical principles behind new quantum matter, various state-of-the-art platforms will be used in tabletop experiments in close collaboration with theoretical groups. The investigated systems include spin-orbit-coupled cold atoms, a highly nonlinear atomic medium, and ultracold polar molecules.
The successful implementation of such quantum systems will demonstrate how quantum-enabled devices can produce short- term benefits. The proposed research goals are highly interdisciplinary and require a collaborative approach, which will further deepen the collaboration among quantum scientists in Hong Kong, contribute to a valuable workforce in quantum science and strengthen the research capacity of Hong Kong.
Please click here to read the relevant news, “HKUST researchers find new way of gaining quantum control from loss” in EurekAlert!.
An atomic quantum simulator (left) emulates the topological property of nodal semimetal in an engineered atomic system (right).
Selected Publications:
1. Zejian Ren, Dong Liu, Entong Zhao, Chengdong He, Ka Kwan Pak, Jensen Li and Gyu-Boong Jo, Chiral control of quantum states in non-Hermitian spin-orbit-coupled fermions, Nature Physics 18, 385-389 (2022). 2. Entong Zhao, Jeongwon Lee, Chengdong He, Zejian Ren, Elnur Hajiyev, Junwei Liu and Gyu-Boong Jo, Heurisitic machinery for thermodynamic studies of SU(N) fermions with neural networks, Nature Communications 12, 2011 (2021). 3. Entong Zhao, Chengdong He and Gyu-Boong Jo, Designing synthetic topological matter with atoms and lights, Light: Science and Applications 11, 46 (2022). 4. Ziting Chen, Bojeong Seo, Mingchen Huang, Mithilesh K Parit, Peng Chen and Gyu-Boong Jo, Active control of a diode laser with injection locking using a laser line filter, Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 123005 (2021). |

- Professor, Department of Physics
- Director of Center for Complex Quantum Systems

Ice surfaces have a thin layer of water below its melting temperature of 0℃. Such premelting phenomenon is important for skating and snowflake growth. Similarly, liquid often crystallizes into a thin layer of crystal on a flat substrate before reaching its freezing temperature, i.e. prefreezing. The thickness of the surface layer usually increases and diverges as approaching the phase transition (such as melting and freezing) temperature. Besides premelting and prefreezing, whether similar surface phenomenon exists as a precursor of a phase transition has rarely been explored.

Researchers at the HKUST and the University of Chicago (UChicago) have shown for the first time how to design the basic elements needed for logic operations using a kind of soft material called liquid crystal, paving the way for a completely novel way of performing computations with potential applications in robotics.