A research team led by scientists from HKUST unveiled a first-in-kind study of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and its role in the rise and fall of airborne sulfates...
An international research team led by HKUST has demonstrated that cooling by internal waves could potentially create thermal refuges for coral reefs...
Effective STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education is a major challenge in Hong Kong’s schools and institutions...
A research team led by Prof. ZENG Qinglu (Ocean Science) has recently discovered how the virus cyanophage comes to kill that eco-friendly bacteria...
A research team led by Prof. QIAN Peiyuan (Ocean Science and Life Science) have unearthed the missing link...
Now, a research team led by Prof. DU Shengwang and Prof. LIU Junwei (Physics) demonstrated the first-of-its-kind multilayer all-optical artificial neural network...
Complex topological matter (peculiar materials with different bulk and surface properties) has become the focus of both industrial and academic research...
Researchers of HKUST and Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Science recently identified that an enzyme called atlastin (ATL) is used to regulate the transportation...
A joint research team of HKUST and SCNU has set a new record of photonic quantum memory efficiency, pushing quantum computation a step closer to reality...
Scientists from HKUST have recently uncovered the mechanisms of how RNA polymerase II performs intrinsic cleavage reaction to proofread RNA transcriptions...