Researchers from HKUST discovered a novel molecular mechanism that controls the delivery of a key protein in planar cell polarity (PCP…

HKUST research team has recently made important progress in the field of new materials...

Researchers from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have decoded for the first time the genome of Scaly-foot…

A team of researchers from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) recently invented the world’s fastest portable…

A research team led by scientists from HKUST unveiled a first-in-kind study of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and its role in the rise and fall…

An international research team led by HKUST has demonstrated that cooling by internal waves could potentially create thermal refuges for…

Effective STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education is a major challenge in Hong Kong’s schools and institutions…

A research team led by Prof. ZENG Qinglu (Ocean Science) has recently discovered how the virus cyanophage comes to kill that eco-…

A research team led by Prof. QIAN Peiyuan (Ocean Science and Life Science) have unearthed the missing link...

Now, a research team led by Prof. DU Shengwang and Prof. LIU Junwei (Physics) demonstrated the first-of-its-kind multilayer all-optical…