The School-based programs at the School of Science aim at offering a diverse, interdisciplinary, and inquiry-driven undergraduate education to students. Our 4-year curriculum is designed to cater for diversity with flexibility. After exploring their aptitudes in the first two to three terms, students admitted to the School of Science can opt to declare a major in any program in the School, as well as the Joint School Programs and those offered by Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies.
Most science major programs offer different study tracks and options, while providing an opportunity for double majors and minors. Based on the students’ interests, the programs provide opportunities for students to deepen their understanding of the major discipline, which will be useful for graduate degrees in the future. Meanwhile, interdisciplinary and collaborative efforts with other units within and outside of the University are emphasized to ensure that our science education is keeping abreast to the ever-changing world.

Our aim is to provide a diverse learning experience for students. Lectures, laboratory courses, capstone projects and language courses tailor-made for science students are integrated into the 4-year curriculum to ensure that students have a solid foundation and adequate exposure to a range of science disciplines.
Along with the desired study path, students will have ample opportunities to enjoy a slew of co-curricular programs and enrichment activities aimed at widening exposure and fostering personal development.