- Only full-time full fee paying registered HKUST research postgraduate students are eligible for student accommodation offered by the University.
- Students in the following categories are not eligible for student accommodation:
- Termination of study
- Program completion
- Leave from study
- RPgs with “Continuing Student” Status@
- RPgs with “Off-Campus Study” Status
- Finishing RPgs with "Retention of Student" Status+
@Students may refer to the Academic Registry website for more information
+Those who have applied for retention of student status, with four weeks of non-fee-paying period, for taking their thesis examinations
- Priority in Bed Spaces Allocation
- RPgs in their first 2 years of RPg careers in HKUST* (guaranteed residence)
- In-time RPgs^
- Out-time RPgs#
*Years of study in students’ HKUST RPg career, including MPhil and PhD, is cumulative under the housing admission policy (e.g. a 1st year PhD student who have completed a 2-year MPhil program in HKUST will not be guaranteed residence); no guaranteed residence is provided for students in HKUST-SUSTech, HKUST-SZBL, HKUST-GML, and HKUST & SML-Zhuhai Joint PhD Programs.
^Definition of in-time RPgs:
2 years for MPhil;
3 years for PhDs who have obtained a relevant MPhil degree prior to entering the PhD program;
4 years for PhDs who do not have a relevant MPhil degree prior to entering the PhD program
#Out-time RPgs are students studying beyond the period as defined as “In-time RPgs”
- Students are required to submit an on-line application during the application period if they wish to be considered for university-arranged accommodation in the residential year.

The Student Housing and Residential Life Office (SHRLO) also provides general assistance for HKUST students who are looking for off-campus accommodation.