I decided to stay at HKUST after my undergraduate studies here because I have found comfort in our beautiful seaside campus equipped with great research facilities and lab-mates which make me feel I belong. At the same time, I can always count on my inbox for news about exciting seminars, conferences and other opportunities not only taking place at the university, but also in Hong Kong and abroad. This is the little nudge that I need to step outside my own comfort zone and those comforts offered by HKUST. Fortunately, the university provides financial support to students wishing to attend such events; I am particularly excited in participating in the International Zebrafish Conference next summer. In the coming four years, I look forward to strengthening my technical skills as a scientist (making use of the great zebrafish facilities at HKUST) and growing up to be a more mature person. I believe HKUST is the perfect place for me to do so.